Friday, January 4, 2008

Home is where the heART is...

Seven years in this goddamned place, a time when Mumbai was Bombay, Sandra still lived in Bandra, the sewers were still sewers and the trains were crowded with approx 100,000 less people....a long time indeed. And now, i've had enough (stamp my foot).
Just back from my "selling-at-half-rate" paradise and after spending a constructive day staring at a stupid computer screen, I want back!
Back to all the things i've missed. Back to Ebony (my to-die-for labrador), back to houses that have actually look like houses, friends, family and food and feni.
Now only if there was something to do there....unlike the mass produced doctors, politicians, engineers, scum and what have you's! To think of it, sometimes it makes you wonder why Goa does'nt have a kick-ass advertising agency? Theres the beach, theres the booze, the women, the clients, everything...No Advertising Agency!!!
And for those that are still stuck up on advertising, all you have to do is hop by to the nearest cybercafe, browse through the tons of clipart available or just download an image online and little Peter (who just learnt Photoshop in school) will have your ad ready in 1 hr. No image fees, no royalty, no time, no problem!
and really, why not. When half the page is full of invites to politicians birthdays, football matches, and parties....all you really need to know is how to write " Come one, Come all"

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


One shining trophy, ten cups of stale coffee, scribbles, shreds, some more scribbles, an invitation to walk on the boulevard of the famous, instant coffee, instant ideas, bulbs going off in your head, instant salvation, motivation, points to prove, a mark that needs to be made. Entries to be sent, prayers that need to be answered, thank you speeches that need to be prepared. Soon!